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see him & guess he doesn't come home here much. Old neighbors pass on & new ones come to take their place. Henry Trollope is bad with diabetes & goes in town to be treated for it ever so often. he may outlive Winnie, who has the care of the house also she has heart trouble. Richard they say is well provided for but he wont live much longer. he has lived now longer than Mongolians usually do.

When I first got up this morning in places where the grass grew I could see snow so it must have come with the rain last night. it said on the radio some snow in the Berkshires.

I hope the Xmas box has reached you safe by now, as it was sent a week ago by Railway Express & he said they couldn't be sent any too early. as this year there was such a rush so many war things sending accross to the soldiers. we dont realize these poor soldiers & the warfare still continues will it never cease.

I heard the door bell ring yesterday & going to the door found a narrow straight bundle & on opening it found a very pretty rug sent by you after you sent off the box your next letter will mention it- probably very nice thanks a lot you are doing too much I am afraid. will stop now and tend to my fires love Ma