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Thursday a terrible rainy day. hope you get my letter this week. any how I will put it in the door for the Postman Ma

Stoughton Nov 29th 1944

Dear Doris

This is a cloudy & chilly day. I have just started a fire in the little stove in the sitting room, to warm up the house & save oil. so funny now yesterday was a lonely day & warm, it seems like snow today.

Mrs Barry yesterday went to Boston to do her Xmas shopping & she chose the right day, she got a sweater. all wool, for a dollar. it was a real bargain. the stores were crowded but she got home around 5 O'clock & did most of her shopping Edith Rose was on the bus coming home, she said she went to Boston also the day before. she does the Xmas shopping I guess for the whole family Trollope has diabetes but does the cooking for the family so they get along all right. he worships Richard they all do in fact, he has a much better disposition than his sister Edith she is terrible fussy. but they dont live to be much over 20 years do they? he is 28 I think & they have taken lots of pains to teach him. he knows a lot more than Mongolians in general know. but they cant teach him how to read. he has