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[[top margin]] I had a nice Thanksgiving card from Caroline Schieber The hens here have gone on a strike. We can't get any eggs. We may call up Perdigao tomorrow & get some. they are high priced The day before our snow came Tuesday we had our Oil tank filled up & Murphy said we could have our coal. so he sent up 2 tons & 3/8 now we have enough to last us all winter & summer [[/top margin]]

Stoughton Nov 23rd 1944 

This is thanksgiving day & we are thankful the day is pleasant, if the ground is white with snow. we had a good dinner of roast veal, cauliflower, baked potatoes, pickle lilly (home made) & chocolate pudding the table was dressed in blue table cloth with blue china & dishes blue & white with her cut glass candle sticks & cut glass bowl over a hundred years old the candles were lighted. you don't have to have turkey to make you feel thankful. & best of all a very pretty boquet of greenhouse chrysanthemums brought in to us, just as our table was being set for dinner. Kate Dykemans family wasn't she good? by the way I heard through Addie they the Dykemans had sold their place down below us. no one we know. she makes nice cake & pies for parties. she made an orange pie for Mrs Barry when she furnished the dinner at the Chicataubut. she was executive comittee & brought home one of the pies for us to eat. it was very nice & very fluffy. the people went crazy over it. at her party & wanted to know who made it. they said 

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