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We had a good dinner today. fowl with winter squash some of our tomatoes & pickle lilly she made Sunday & corn starch pudding for desert [[dessert]]. she made a squash pie yesterday which tasted good to me also.      So far we have not made up any fire in the little stove. by shutting up the doors into the front room & dining room we manage to keep warm from the kitchen fire but the heat went on Saturday afternoon as it was a cold day & it seemed mighty good. the front chamber seems warmer to sleep in as there the heat goes on early in the morning which makes it warmer to dress in.  
Those persimmons came through all right I have tasted them & as you say they seem pretty puckery I dare not eat but few a day they are apt to make me sick. so far I have been well & dont [[don't]] get any up sets or colds but I dont [[don't]] wonder people do the weather is so changeable.

I have a few ripe tomatoes & also some green ones left we may make them up into chilly sauce & pickle lilly she has put up a few jars of the ripe ones for winter. The Leonard boys came one day last week to mow the lawn but it was so covered with leaves I told them it didn't need it guess now it will go with out [[without]] any more mowing. well I hope Doris dont [[don't]] get too tired mowing. her school work is quite enough I should think. Love Ma