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the oldest girl married the Langdon boy, her second husband, she was a regular Lambert & never amounted to much. they stayed a long time talking.

Bill came to see us Sunday night he stayed til half past eleven. I went off to bed at my usual time & she was wishing he would go but we hadn't seen him for a long time. he said he would come again soon he does a lot for us & will when he comes the next time. we cant get along without Bill. She has gone to the Red Cross to make bandages. Edith Rose called up to take her & bring her back when they take Richard down to the movies. he goes three days every week always.

Big brother has been over there to Ballantines & went away this morning he was anxious to see Mrs Barry but did'nt get the chance. his stays here are short and seems pretty busy when he's at home. I picked up a lot of apples from under the tree after the hurrycane & treated Bill to applesauce. he was much pleased & wanted to know what kind of apples it was made of. we didn't know. he said lets see the apples he said they are banana aples he knows I guess we dont have to pick up any Northern spies over at the old place. these are all we can get rid of. how I wish you had some of them. I am getting rather tired of sauce, we have had so much of it, all the time you were home.

we still