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until around 6 O'clock so I was glad to have company. they have just gone & it is 4 O'clock. Little Charley came with a lady friend he called his "sweet heart" she was a little older than he was they said & she lost her husband last December. she seemed very nice & is one of his neighbors. I thought he would marry soon. they need a house keeper & she says its lonesome living alone. they will marry soon I think. she seems to be a person of good principles & hope will get along well with Gladys. is not very good looking, light complection & slight of build. they stayed about an hour. I was just thinking about writing my letter & went out in the hall & saw your letter had just come. you are good to write so much & hope you dont work so hard. painting is your only recreation.

We hear that Laura Gebhardt is some better but has given up her Red Cross work & is so she gets around the house a little better. but has terrible swoolen feet & legs due to the heart. I am so sorry she is such a good person & I am afraid she wont live long.

Blanche Hammond was here Sunday she spoke of meeting you. she lives alone & comes up to see us quite often. went home to Nova Scosia on her vacation Virginia Lord is her daughter Jonny Woods nephew. they have money. Now I will close & get my supper love Ma 

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