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in the field back of the old stand pipe place. its surroundings are very nice & neat looking.

Bertha Longdon came up here to ride down to practice in the choir last Friday night & brought me up a bag of pears, they tasted different from any pears I ever tasted before they were very nice. she has trouble with her throat cant sing but likes to go to make a noise. the fact is she's in love with Frank Reynolds, but he dont care a snap of his finger for her. she is an old maid & men dont care for that kind of person. Gladys is another one. she would make a man a good wife but she is too particular they dont take to her. they want a wife full of fun & not so practical. 

I never had trouble in getting a man. now in my old age I have got a little sweetheart. he has sent me three boqets [[bouquets]] of flowers "little Rodger". to day he has sent me a lovely big boquet of white chrysanthemums his mother had it sent to the church alter first & little Rodge stood right in front of the pulpit & demanded the flowers of the minister. he said those "those flowers are for Mrs Holmes and I want them". it mad Mr Bradner mad he said its not up to me to take them. so his mother stepped up & got the boquet & gave them to Mrs Barry. & he said "tell Mrs Holmes