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Stoughton June 26th 1944

Dear Doris

This is a very miserable cold stormy Sunday. yesterday we had storm after storm & poured all day. the thunder showers were not very near but the rain did us lots of good as we needed it badly. I guess it rained through the night some. I slept soundly as I felt very tired.

My tomato plants look more thrifty for their wetting down. it seemed to be just what they needed for all I had done my best to keep them well watered twice a day, ever since they had been set out. they look very green since the rain. & I put on more fertilizer just a little while before it rained.

I suppose Myrtie will go up to Vermont since Alices school closed. she wants to take a boarder or two I think she looked pretty old the day she came with Charles boys the day of the funeral & brought the food for the people she expected there to eat there was no need of her bringing things we had a chicken, pot of baked beans, boiled beef & chocolate cake & cookies. but the boys