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I hope this dry weather dont affect the fruit & berry crop. if we could only have a little rain but theres a new moon, that alone, will keep off showers. I have got lots of berries left over from what you put up for me last year. they tasted mighty good to me last winter though.

Edith Trollope is going to be married soon her first fellow got drowned he was a soldier now this one is also a soldier. he dont know what he is getting. she is a terrible fussy person nothing is too good for her. she has been brought up wrong on the other hand, Richard is no trouble at all & knows more than you think he does. too bad he is so much like one in looks. he wont live much longer Winnie is better but Trollope is none too well.

I think you must have good times with Helen Leonard too bad Rachie wont be home to see her if she is going to Onset on her vacation 

Sidney wont have a very long vacation & its too bad. those who need it the most dont get one.

Mrs Barry dont feel like taking one very much this year. unless she goes to her sisters in N. Jersey. traffick is such this year it makes it very bad for people. I am praying for rain. a fire these times would make things bad. theres no use though to worry love Ma