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Stoughton May 31st 1944

Dear Doris

We are having cool, dry weather. no rains & everything is drying up gardens have to be watered. I haven't set out my tomatoes and dont intend to 'till after a rain. Pete's garden has to be watered with his hose every day.

Well Irma came yesterday & took us up to the cemetery to decorate the grave then we rode around town & then up to Brockton & brought home ice cream for each of us which we ate with frosted cake which we furnished. Then after Irma went home Blanche Hammond came up to visit Mrs Barry & she staid [[stayed]] here after dark. I went off to bed & they were still talking

To day [[today]] I feel more the worse for my outing, the change to riding off I think was beneficial any how we both enjoyed it but if Blanche coming & staying so long was too much. but I laid down & went off to bed at my usual time a little after 8 O'clock so it didn't disturb me but was hard on Mrs Barry. it was her company & her feet are bothering her since she went to Boston Monday & traveled