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December 5th, 1933.

Dear Dr. Oppenheimer, 

I thought I would let you know that I have just been in touch with owner of the RAEBURN portrait, and he does not feel inclined to let it go for less than $25,000. As a matter of fact, I really do not blame him because, as I told you, this figure is about one-half the price he paid for it 19 years ago.

By-the-bye, as you intimated that you would possibly come in to see me again before you left town, I was wondering whether it would be possible for you to do so before next Friday mid-day, as I am going away that day on a business trip, and will not be back until the following Tuesday and I naturally would like to be here personally when you call. 

Taking this opportunity to thank you for your visit, and hoping to hear from you in the course of the next day or two, 

Believe me to be 
Yours very truly,

(Clyfford Trevor)

Dr. F. G. Oppenheimer, 
Hotel Savoy-Plaza,
New York City.

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