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Fiche re the visit of DR. OPPENHEIMER 

August 6th., 1936.

By Mr. Georges Séligmann.

We have asked - 

Bas relief which was under the Avignon Virgin... 10,000.
Marble virgin Paillebotte............................ 65,000.
2 armchairs with lions heads.................... 6,000.
Sperandio Madonna............................... 18,000.
Sperandio Madonna lowest price asked............. 16,000.
Marble Angel, Planiscig......................... 35,000.
Reduction made of Sperandio Madonna and 
Planiscig Angel.................... 48,000.
Corneille de Lyon................................ 85,000.

Offered $2500. for Sperandio Madonna and Child and 
Marble Angel by Desiderio da Settignano(13125)