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The undersigned beg to inform you that F. Bruckmann A.⸗G., Munich, Publishers, have undertaken the publication of a lavishly illustrated, great Art Monthly


The Monthly, the first issue of which will be published in January 1928, will devote itself to the art of all periods and all peoples and will comprise all the branches of art⸗collecting. Its foremost task, however, will be to discuss and illustrate the ancient art produced by all culture⸗spending races, including those of Asia, and to treat of the pictorial, plastic and graphic arts as well as of the various branches of applied art, for inst. the art of the goldsmith and other work in metal, furniture, ceramics, glass and glass painting, textiles, arms and medals.

The magazine will have at its disposal all the means of the most perfected art of reproduction; editors and publishers are resolved to have all illustrations reach the very height of excellence possible to the art of illustration of to⸗day.

As the Monthly desires in the first place to serve the interests of international collectors, it will print, besides scientific essays, also reports concerning all essential results of the active work of the museums and art galleries throughout the world and will discuss and publish illustrations of all remarkable acquisitions of public and