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Pictures On Exhibit
Published Every Month at
67 West 44th Street, New York
Telephone: MUrray Hill 6-0094
November 3, 1938.

Mr. Rene Seligmann,
Jacques Seligmann Gallery,
3 East 51st Street,
New York, N.Y.

My dear Mr. Seligmann:

Last year when you put on the Raeburn exhibition, and the work of Charles Shannon, we rose to the occasion with appropriate publicity. 

We want to co-operate with you again this season, and hope that you will also extend to us a similar spirit of co-operation. It should be obvious that a magazine such as Pictures On Exhibit could not carry on unless it has the support of the galleries.

A good many of the galleries have been generous enough to extend us such support from the very start. I would like to see you join with Wildenstein, Durand-Ruel and the others in making it possible for this magazine to carry on with increasing effectiveness.

I suggest that you give us a minimum schedule of space for this season- 1/4 page in the December, January, February, March, April, May and June issues, at a total cost of $140.00, less 10% discount. You can, of course, use a larger size ad whenever the importance of the show warrants it.

Trusting that you will be able to extend us this co-operation, and with kind personal regards, I remain

Sincerely yours,
Charles L. Offin