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                                            October 22nd.,1947
Dear Miss Polaillon-Kerven:
Practically by the same mail you have received from my office a request for certain copies of L'Amour de l'Art,.and I am much obliged to you for personally taking care of this matter.
However, if I am writing you it is because it seems to me that with the exhibition of tapesteries which is going to be held at the Metropolitan Museum (which are, I understand, the same ones of the group exhibition in Paris last year), there should be an opportunity for L'Amour de l'Art to sell quite a large number of "La Tapisserie Français", not only in New York, but also throughout the country.
I thought of writing directly to Mr. Huyghe, but he is so very busy that I decided Ioshould communicate with you instead. I would, nevertheless, like you to mention it to him, as it could probably be achieved through museum affiliations. Also if you had any prospectus of this particular copy, you could send it to Museum directors, university libraries, public libraries, and the like, in all parts of the country.
I am conveying these thoughts to you, which, in fact, I just discussed with the Attaché Culturel of the French Embassy, because I find it so disappointing that such valuable and carefully edited magazines like L'Amour de l'Art should be so limited in circulation in the United States.
                                        Yours very sincerely,

                                        (Germain Seligman)

Mlle. G. Polaillon-Kerven
61 Rue de Miromesnel
Paris 8e

L'Temps est en element de premiere importanc[[q??]]. Car il faudrait [[curdement??]] que nos efforts [[aimadeul??]] avec [[l'effortion!??]] ---------