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October 23, 1947

Dear Miss Polaillon-Kerven:

Please Accept My thanks for your very prompt and concise reply of October 10, 1947.

Would you be good enough to have forwarded to us at the above address the following special numbers which your organization published:

LUGDUNUM (No. sur Lyon et son art) ……………. FR. 250
LA VENERIE DANS L'ART ……………………... FR.400

for which we shall make payment immediately upon receipt of these items.

Mr. Germain Seligman, during his recent visit to Paris, already purchased your publication on "lImpressionnisme".

In view of the some time rather irregular mail service, we would be greatly obliged to you for mailing each publication under separate cover and instead of by book postage which, judging from our experience, may take from two to three months for delivery, by first-class mail, which should reach us within three weeks at the very most.

It goes without saying that we will be only too glad to reimburse you for any additional expenses you may have in connection with such special mailings.

With many thanks for your courtesy and cooperation,

Very truly yours,


(O. A. Liechti)

Mlle. G. Polaillon-Kerven
61 rue de Miromesnil
Paris 8e

[[J S cursive signature at the bottom]]