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New York 22, N.Y.

October 18, 1961


It was kind of you to have written as you did, and I wish to thank you for your letter of October 9th.

You were good enough to call my attention to a number of works of art in your possession at present. The furniture, tapestries and faience do not come within my field of activities. As I wrote to you previously, I am essentially interested in exceptional sculpture and definitely prefer marble or/and bronzes.

However, were it not imposing upon you, I am wondering whether you could forward photographs of the statues you mention which would at least give me an idea of how closely they come to my wishes.

Meanwhile, I am making a note of your address, so that I shall be able to call on you when I am next in Europe. In the meantime, you might be able to learn of the whereabouts of such sculpture wherever they might be - that is either in private collections, or in the hands of dealers.

With renewed appreciation of your courtesy,

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Grafin de Pourtales
Haus Seeleiten
Harrasserstrasse, 64

de Pourtales