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July 8th, 1941

Dear Mr. Matties:

Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this morning, I beg to quote the attorneys of the Estate of René Seligmann on the question of our claim against them:

"Mr. Siegbert has looked over the recent report from Price, Waterhouse & Company and is satisfied with it. However, he wants a clear-out statement from Price, Waterhouse to the effect that the claim of the corporation against René appeared at its face value on the Balance Sheet. He also says that in order for this statement to hold water, he would think that the statement ought to indicate that each and every advance was carried on the Balance Sheet at its face value."

Will you, therefore, be good enough to write a supplementary statement in triplicate to this effect and mail it directly to Mr. Melvin Robbins, 21 East 40th Street. Judging from past experience, I believe it a good idea to call Mr. Robbins before you have these affidavits signed.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.

(O. A. Liechti)

Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company
56 Pine Street
New York, New York

Attention of Mr. Matthies.