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July 2nd, 1941

Dear Sirs:

Enclosed please find check on The Fifth Avenue Bank of New York, in the sum of $925.00, being in full payment of your invoice of June 30th, which kindly receipt and return to us.

We also received five copies of your report on examination of the books and accounts of our company for the two years ending December 31st, 1940, as well as statement in triplicate showing the net worth of this firm as at July 21st, 1940, which we find to be in good order.

We wish to take this opportunity to express our satisfaction with the unobtrusive and efficient manner in which your representative conducted the audit.

Yours very truly, 


(O. A. Liechti)

Enc. check

Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company
56 Pine Street
New York, New York