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October 18, 1929

Dear Mr. Pyne, 

We recently acquired a very interesting early portrait of Lord Eldin by Sir Henry RAEBURN which we should like to show you. It is a three-quarter length canvas measuring 30 x 40".

We have also acquired a very beautiful portrait of a young woman, measuring 25 x 30", by sir Thomas LAWRENCE which we should likewise like you to see.

These paintings have just been shipped from our Paris house and if you would be at all interested, we should be pleased to notify you when they get here. In the meantime, if you thought you would be at all interested, we should be glad to send you fuller particulars upon hearing from you. 

By the bye, we still have that very fine full length portrait by Sir Joshua REYNOLDS about which Mr. Winthrop was kind enough to talk to you, and we should be pleased to show it to you at any time if you could conveniently call in here. 

In the meantime, awaiting the favor of your reply, believe us to be 

Yours very truly, 


Percy R. Pyne, 2nd, Esq.,
"Rivington House,",
Roslyn, L. I.