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Cooking with the aid of the mosa.
⁋On the 16th we left Pochutla and proceeded in a northerly course across the hills to the base of the higher ridges which begin about 16 or 18 miles from the coast.
Then the hills begin to rise steeply as isolated ridges or long hills with long entering aims by the lower hilly country winding about among them forming the courses of small straws in the bottoms.
From Pochutla & the coast hills these first high outposts & the cordillera appear as high isolated mountains usually round topped & covered with forest, [[strikethrough]]The coroda[[/strikethrough]] The road wound up a steep slope of one of these ridges from about 1500 to 3500 ft. The trail was narrow & deeply worn in the rock. We met several pack trains loaded with coffee & had some trouble in passing, it always being necessary to keep a good look out ahead & choose a favorable shot for passing. 
At about 3500 ft. we crossed a ridge & entered the coffee plantations which cover nearly all the slopes for miles in this vicinity between 4700