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and 2000 ft. The hills from Pochutla along the road to an alt of about 2000 or 2500 ft. on the coast slope were covered with the ordinary vegetation of the dry coast belt. from 2500 ft. up to about 4800 or 5000 ft. the climate is humid enough so that the natural forest as seen in a few places is a magnificent growth & forms the upper tropical zone.  
[[strikethrough]] It is [[/strikethrough]] This is the noted coffee district of Pluma - The trail wound for miles along a cut on the steep slope of the mt. through coffee plantations & over looking thousands of acres of plantations extending on every hand. Dotting the hills here & there, usually on an artificial terrace or cut in the slope are the plantation buildings all with corrugated iron roofs. The coffee trees are planted on slopes so steep in many places that one would have trouble in climbing about on them. Many of the plantations are dying out & the bare white color of the soil shows that the fierce summer rains have swept away all the vegetable mould so the the plants are dying of starvation. Efforts are being