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made to stop this wash in many places by digging a square pit in the middle of each square of 4 trees [[strike through]] but this [[/strike through]]with the idea that the mould & leaves will be caught & held there but without success. The lands here are very similar to those of the Juquila Dist & are not of the first quality. The expenses of cultivating land on these steep slopes of hard soil are considerably greater than where the slopes are less and the soil not so hard
⁋Ahead of us perched on the front of a high ridge overlooking a great series of Plantations we could see the town of Pluma with the road serpentining up toward it as a long yellow streak on the hillside.
Early in the afternoon we wound up the final slope & at an elevation of 4700 ft. reached the town. |This is a small place with a few houses stores, all of small size, grouped about a small plaza on the top of a narrow ridge. We found quarters in the "casa municipal" and a woman living in a brush hut at one side of the plaza agreed to cook for us & we were supplied by her with meals during our stay here she bringing or sending food to us in a basket-or by the