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for one third the price first asked. This village of San Pedro El Alto is situated on a high mountain ridge the slopes descending rapidly on both sides. Back of the town the trail continues on up the ridge to an alt. of 8900 ft. & after following some distance along the crest we reach San Miguel Suchistipec (9200 ft.) Beyond this village the ridge again rises until the road [[strikethrough]] cross[[strikethrough]] broaches its highest point at over 9500 ft. From Copalito to the summit extend a continuous series of pines of several species. The trail was well made & broad all along the top of the ridges & there on and the scenery is very fine. Dull gray clouds hid the summit &  enveloped us in their folds while we were on the high ridges. The vegetation here made up of oaks & 2 or 3 pines with madrones & many small species was that of the cold region. A fine long coned pine was common above 9000 ft. Lower down, as near Pluma were cherry, blue fl. solanum & a ceanothus with various other species. The oaks on this part of the range do not form a heavy forest. The slopes are very arid & water is very scarce.