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Winding about through the the irregular streets bordered with wattled fences or cactus hedges enclosing jacales we reached the center of the town and found a well kept meson where we put up for the night. The next day I had to see the Jefe Politico to get letters for a trip to the adjacent mountain so laid over here a day. Saw the Jefe & found him to be a very pleasant & intelligent man who gave me the necessary letter & in addition told me that the presidente of the town near where I wished to go was in town & he would send for him.| It appeared that the presidente was about to start back home but he was told to await until the next morning to go with me as a guide over the mt. In the eve. the Presidente & a committee of [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] his townsmen, evidently consisting of all of the local officials came to the meson & with hats off announced that they were at my orders. I then told them that they were to come early in the a.m. ready to start & bade them goodnight. I was amused at the humility of these men who thus greeted me with hats off [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] all due to the Jefe having told them to put themselves at my orders when had I appeared in their village without such backing I would have had but scant courtesy, 

Transcription Notes:
Jacale - adobe house Meson - inn/tavern/public house