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On the morning of March 24th we packed our outfit early & with our guides set out for the mountain which lies in a S.E. course from the town. Our road led across the valley some 6 miles before entering the hills. Wheat is raised over much of the valley here & with corn make the two main crops. Vegetation is very scanty here along the sides of small gulches & mouths of canons opening at the bases of the foothills about [[?]]. We reached Rootina a village at the base of the hills where our companions wished to stop to take breakfast. After a half hours delay we again took up the road & turning at once into the hills crossed a barren ridge overgrown with scattered brush & low trees now all leafless & dusty from the long drought. Beyond this came the main mt. slope leading up among the pines. The dusty yellowish trail showed in a light line winding in & out far up on the mt. now appearing & disappearing often in places where one wondered how it reached there. All the day we toiled slowly up miles of this steep trail through a forest of pine with a few scattered oaks & madronos above 8000 ft. About the middle of the P.M. we reached the top of the main ridge at about 10000  

Transcription Notes:
Need tilde on canons