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us on which we supped & turned in. Early in the morning of the 9th we loaded up & I paid my bill which left me only about 60 cents. This necessitated that we make Oaxaca City today -- 

The day was sunny & pleasant & we started off across the valley in nearly a north direction following the trend of the val. but having to cross the low ridges & hills here & there that broke the level of the surface and gave the val. a generally [[strikethrough]] rolling [[/strikethrough]] slightly rolling character. Isolated limestone hills & spurs from the sides was seen here & there. 

But the valley forms a broad well marked basin lying within the walls of high mts. from 7 to 9000 ft high on the sides. To the east & west the tops of the mts. are pine covered but below scrubby oaks & bushes follow into the foothills & then cease so that the bottom of the val. & lower foothills are arid & bare with scanty areas of bushes & thin grass & herbage Elsewhere, at this season everything is brown & dusty from months of dry weather. Soon after leaving Ejutla a couple of R. P. Surveyors - from the Mex. Southern road passed