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wearer is doing. For market it is merely hung on the head from the forehead & hangs freely back on the shoulders- For the person going to mass it is put on so that the head & shoulders are covered & the face surrounded by the frill or halo- The bride or novia wrap it in another way, the Ball has its mode and a promenade another, & the  first ceremonial call (estrada) on a newly married couple another. The women wear their hair parted in middle & in a long braid hanging behind each ear. [[strikethrough]] While waiting [[/strikethrough]] The feet are nearly always bare of both men & women, the latter is particular rarely wearing sandals which are the regular foot gear in use-
¶At the RR station close to the market the scene is a very brightly colored & animated one in the morning before the train leaves. Many women & children squatting about some of the women constantly going & coming often with a small child astride of one hip in the regular fashion & a basket or gaily painted gourd balanced on her head, passing slowly along the throng gossiping & laughing with friends. Baskets & goursd full of fruit, vegetables, dried meat &c sitting about everywhere- Two trains a week from her to Coatzocoalcos do the passenger business now which is very light & one or two freight trains a week do the other business of the road.