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On the day of candle working the town officials & all ex-mayordomos are given a dinner by the m-d. acting. The night preceding saint's day he gives a dance. The one I saw being at this time, and during the year it is customary for him to give 2 more dances, furnishing food, drink & music. no ¶In the val. of Oaxaca the m-d-. is not chosen to succeed himself but is expected to serve 2 or 3 terms at intervals of a year or [[strikethrough]] two [[/twostrikethrough]]. Then he is an ex. m-d-. and is looked upon as one of the head men of the place and with his companions forming a kind of unofficial council that is consulted by the officials when anything of special importance is to be decided. These men are called ancianos or principales.
On June 14th we left Huilotepec and went on to San Mateo Del Mar a distance of about 13 miles. This is a fishing village of several hundred Indians many of whom speak no Spanish. The tribe is known as Huavi and is a very small one confined to the four towns of San Mateo Del Mar. The main place--Santa Maria, San Francisco, & San Dionisio. The towns are all located immediately about the lagunas near the coast-San Mateo & Santa Maria being a narrow sand spit of low ground partly covered with sand dunes lying between the sea & the lagoon. The other towns are on the oppo-