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[[strikethrough]] The figure at foot of opposite page [[/strikethrough]] Following this paragraph is the figure of another burial vault opened in the midst of the stone platform described as being found near the southern pyramid. It had also an entrance that had been closed by a slab of stone but contained no relics of any kind.* The site of these ruins [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] including the stone platforms & interiors of houses are grown up with bushes & small trees.***

My time was limited here & the rain fell even during a part of our short stay. We made a shelter out of rubber ponchos & so kept dry but the clouds hung so low that we were enveloped in mist most of the time, only getting out to clear air when part way down the mt. when the valley suddenly appeared below us with flecks of sunshine here & there. 

Chachalaccas were very common & the whistling call of Nothocercus sallaei was heard all about on the mountain side. No water is found, nearer than the river at present & if that was the source of supply to the old dwellers here they had a heavy task to carry it up this long steep slope. Our guides say that ruined houses extend around the out-side a long distance each way from these central ruins and others also are found on the extreme summit of the mountain at 3000 ft. or more. Our water was packed up by the guides from the river. On May 24th we returned to Tehuantepec where we remained until the 31st attending to various matters & awaiting mail.

June 1st
My assistant left Tehuantepec today with the pack outfit to go to Juchitan for letters from the authorities there while I took the train across the Isthmus to Coatzocoalcos with the specimens we had on hand to ship them from there. 

From Tehuantepec the R.R. runs in a northerly course for about 30 miles [[strikethrough]] to a [[/strikethrough]] across a very gently sloping plain with scattered hills & low mts. and nearly everywhere covered with the low growth of trees & bushes as about the city - occasional open grassy areas occur & scattered ranches appear- The town of San Geronimo containing several thousand people lies bet. Teh. & the hills which rise rather abruptly from the plain at about 30 m. by rail from the city. Winding up through these hills we reach the top of the highest part of the divide [[strikethrough]] at Chivela [[/strikethrough]] near Chivela- 

Chivela has an alt. of about 800 ft. & a little beyond is the highest elevation which is about 900 ft. Reaching the summit of the mountain slope at Chivela we are on a fine, gently sloping plain on which are broad open grassy flats. Fan palms are very abundant on the lower & richer parts of this plain where within a few miles of Chivela they form their 

Transcription Notes:
Nothocercus sallaei - tinamou bird