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but the cane is said to get very large & watery, for that reason the people of San Juan plant their cane patches in the hills where the stalks are smaller but sweeter. Some efforts have been made at coffee planting in places where the woods give shelter in this vicinity (about MogoƱe) but the several patches I visited were failures the trees being tall, slender and almost without fruit. The soil is built on a gneiss foundation here and is very poor except in areas where the surface is favorable for holding the loose wash. The open country here is used as cattle range- 

Many of the people at San Juan do not speak spanish & the ordinary conversation among all of the natives is in Mije- The mountain indians from here to Zempoaltpec belonging to this tribe. Like all the people I have seen of this tribe they are not well featured having irregular & coarse faces with blunt round noses heavy jaws & the entire face has a heavy rather stolid look. A large proportion of the people in the town & neighborhood (5000 in this municipality) are pintos and I saw here the first children I have seen showing signs of it. Some boys at 11 or 12 years were already developing signs of it. I no longer believe it due to the water supply for the water here is a clear mt. stream with no towns on its banks & flowing out of almost totally uninhabited hills.