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When the owner of a new house at San Juan has it ready to occupy he names 6 godfathers each of whom brings a rooster. A cross shaped hole is dug in middle of floor, one in each corner & one just inside the door. These holes are about 2 to 3 ft. deep. In each hole of the corners is placed a single bundle of pine leaves while 5 bundles are put in the hole in middle & at door. A small mass of corn dough is next placed on the pine leaves in each hole. Then the medicine man takes a rooster & cuts its throat so that its blood into one of the holes. This is repeated for each of the six holes. Then a downy chicken is killed over each hole & its blood drained as before & then it is placed on the pile of leaves & dough. During this time the medicine man is repeating his incantations & asking from the spirits that sickness may not enter, that the family be fortunate and the house firm that it may not fall. After this the holes are refilled burying their contents and then the owner may for the first time build a fire in the house & occupy it. The roosters killed are then cooked & eaten by the participants. 

of men near by in the hills to make some sacrifice to their gods & he mounted his horse & rode out there & drove the men away with his riding whip. Beyond this I heard of no effort being made to win them from these ceremonies.

These people count their days after the old style naming them Tobacco, Deer, Rabbit, Snake, Mex. Eagle, Tiger, &c. The days Rabbit, Eagle and Tiger are considered lucky days on which to perform any important action. When a person falls ill their medicine man says his spirit has left the body & is hiding under a stone or other place on the hill- Then he makes a circle by sticking feathers in the dirt floor of the house & within this circle the blood of a rooster is allowed to drain from its freshly cut throat. Over this an incantation is made to bring back the spirit. If very badly disposed the spirit refuses to return & the man dies - 

When a child is weaned nine godfathers each bring a turkey to the house. A brasier of burning coal is set in middle of floor with cuapinol gum burning as incense. Beside the brasier are placed 5 bundles of pine leaves on which is a mass of corn dough. Each of the 9 turkeys is killed & its blood spilled on the dough& leaves. Some of the bloody dough is then smeared on the childs stomach & belly that it may eat without danger. After about 8 days on one of the days of good omen i.e. Rabbit, Eagle or Tiger the pine leaves smeared with the dried blood & dough are [[strikethrough]] taken [[/strikethrough]] divided in 4 parts & taken outside of town on the 4 principal roads & then