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State of South Carolina}
Charleston District}
Personally appeared before me William Whaley magistrate, authorized to administer Oaths for civil purposes. I, Jenkins Mikell of Charleston State and District aforesaid, who being duly sworn, on his oath says that he is the owner of a House and Lot in the City of Charleston and known as No 24 Rutledge Street, which house and lot have never been abandoned as it was occupied by Mr Alexander Robertson up to the time the City was occupied by the United States Forces, when he left in charge of Mr Moody of Charleston who continued to occupy it until he went to New York when Mr Gilbert Pilsbury and agent in the Freedmen's Department took possession and still occupies the same without his consent. That he has paid the taxes charged under the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act for the collection of direct taxes in the insurrectionary districts within the United States and for other purposes approved June 7th 1862. A copy of the receipt of which taxes are hereto annexed.
That previous to the proclamation of President Johnson issued on the 29th day of May 1865 he took the oath prescribed under the proclamation of President Lincoln which entitled him to take immediate