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Dec 12, 1932.

DALTON, Hubert K.

Sherry Netherland and Stamford,Conn.

Dalton, Hubert K.


Subject is believed to be retired from active business connection. Reputed to be a man of means. Mode of living would indicate same. Middle aged, married, at above address over one year, Hotel Sherry Netherland, leases and boards, rental high. Formerly 315 Ocean Drive, West Stamford, Conn.

Retail stores report:
1- No account; formerly reported highest credit $50. prompt pay.
2- Opened account Oct.24, 1929 line $100 prompt pay.
3- Account opened 1912 and prompt pay.
4- Account opened 1930 payments regular
5- Formerly reported prompt pay; now no account.

Subject has been a prompt and desirable guest at present address.

Over two years ago correspondent at West Stamford,Conn. reported subjects wife's name Florence subject was formerly a well known manufacturer comptroller of the Dalton Manufacturing Co. at present is understood to be retired. Family are rated over $250,000. Subject's wife has property in her own name valued at about $100,000. This is their summer residence and generally winter in the South or West. Considered good credit risk.
