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April 25, 1925.

Mrs. H.H. Rogers
11 East 64th St.,
New York City

Dear Mrs. Rogers:

I am herewith sending you a copy of the new special edition of the history of the Palais Sagan, our main place in Paris, which I thought you might like to have.

Referring to your visit this morning, I would like to tell you that I have already written to Paris regarding the base for the Falconet, and I will communicate with you again as soon as I get their reply.

Regarding the painting by Hondekoter, I would esteem it a great favor if you could let me know at your earliest convenience, whether or not you could possibly use this picture as, as I told you, we are contemplating sending it back to Paris.

Without appearing to want to trouble you, if you have a few moments to spare some day next week, I could like you to come in and see two very decorative paintings by Deshaya (the son-in-law of Boucher), which I forgot to show you.  They are in oval frames and measure 35 1/4" by 25" wide.  There are also two beautiful Gouach drawings by Noel, which measure 31" high by 35" wide. They are very nicely framed, and are on the order of Vernst. Both these measurements include the frames.

Hoping you don't mind my calling your attention to these things, and thanking you for your visit,

Believe me to be,

Yours very truly,

