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November 1, 1927

Col. H.H. Rogers,
11 East 64th Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir:

We had a communication from you early in September at which time we advised you of the arrival from Paris of your French bronze clock, said communication being to the effect that you would like to co obtain a telephone directory of the Paris, and besides the alphabetical one, another one arranged according to trades, if such were in existence. 
Our Mr. Germain Seligmann was at that time in Paris, and on receiving our letter gave instructions to send you, instead of the second trade listed telephone book which does not exist in Paris, the Bottin of Paris which is the city directory arranged according to trades and in most cases the names are followed by the telephone numbers, This, he thought might be useful to you:
We have now received these two books, and shall be pleased to deliver them to you wherever you wish to have them sent.
The clock mentioned above is still at our galleries and entirely at your convenience, we shall be pleased to receive your directions if and where you want to have it delivered.

Very truly yours,