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WJ ES   

December 5, 1927

Mrs. H. H. Rogers,
11 East 64th Street,
New York City.

Dear Madam:

We exceedingly regret that the movenent of the clock which we recently delivered at your house does not work yet satisfactorily. 

The man we sent up has been doing this kind of work for us for many years, and we called him up at once requesting him to give the most careful attention to this matter. He will call at your residence again, and if he thinks it necessary will take the movement to his shop in order to look it over and watch it for several days, so that it really is in good order before returning it to you. He also will take care to put the clock in place, as this is of quite some importance, because it has to be level to make the pendulum swing accurately.

Believe us, Madam,

Yours very truly,

