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February 19, 1931.

Dear Colonel Rogers, 

I am taking the liberty of communicating with you through these lines in regard to an exhibition of drawings by Jean Honoré FRAGONARD, to be held at our Paris house, the Palais de Sagan, during the month of May. 

A number of European museums and important collectors, as well as the Fogg Art Museum, Mrs. Rainey Rogers, Mortimer Schiff, etc., in America, have very kindly consented to loan us their works by Fragonard for our exhibition. 

If I am not mistaken, you are in possession of some Fragonard drawings which we would be delighted to have in this exhibit, if you would kindly loan them to us. 

Would you be good enough and drop me a few lines on this subject, and looking forward to your favorable reply, believe me to be, dear Colonel Rogers,

Yours most sincerely, 

(Rolf H. Waegen)

Colonel H. H. Rogers, 

P.S. This exhibition is going to be held under the official patronage of the President of the French Republic.  


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