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February 25, 1931.

Dear Colonel Rogers,

I am in receipt of your very kind lines of February 24, for which I thank you very much, although I am extremely sorry to learn of your inability to loan us your Fragonard drawings. We were particularly interested in securing the drawings from your collection, which we hear are very fine. 
May I bring to your attention that the exhibition will be held in Paris during the month of May. We, therefore, will not collect the drawings from the various owners before the beginning of April and of course, we will take care of the expense of their transportation, as well as insurance.
You very kindly mention in your letter that there still may be a possibility of locating them among your stored and sealed cases and may we assure you that any collaboration from you will be greatly appreciated, not only by our firm, but also by the Parisian public which will have the pleasure of viewing this quite unique exhibition.
With renewed thanks for all your endeavors in this matter, believe me to be, dear Colonel Rogers, with my best compliments,

Yours most sincerely, 
Colonel H.H. Rogers,
Southampton, Long Island. 

(Rolf H. Waegen)