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January 19, 1956

Dear Miss Rolick:

Following our conversation of today I at-once telephoned Hayes Warehouse and was told that the charges for taking your painting from the galleries to their warehouse was not included in the amount they collected from you. The latter having covered only the actual delivery charges from their Warehouse to your apt.

The amount you owe us therefore is the difference between $9.27 and $5.15 paid by you or $4.12 (Four Dollars 12/100).

You will realise that had you wished to call for these paintings at our galleries there would have been no charge, but we proceeded as per your telephoned and telegraphed restests [[requests]]. 

Trusting this will clarify the matter and with best regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(O. Porjes)

Miss Esther Rolick
158 East 82nd Street
New York, New York

[[right margin]] Rollick [[/right margin]]