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Esther Rolick

To V. Dudley, J Moran
Rising Fawn
5 Oct '53

Dear Theresa

Received your recent note cant tell you how sorry I am that you will not be present at the opening. With G.P. going back & forth Paris to N.Y. I imagine it would be difficult for you to get away.

After Nov. 1st my real problems begin. I do have an invitation to stay with a sculptor friend in Philadelphia for a while but I have no idea how long it will take me to find an apartment let alone a Job so I am thinking of applying for a Huntington Hartford Painting Fellowship what is better for an artist than to paint?! They are issued for 1-6 month periods & its location is 2000 Rustic Canyon Road Pacific Palisades, California. Dr. John Vincent is the director. Elizabeth Ames asked me if I ever considered the place & it just occurred to me since I have no place nor a job at present it would be quite wonderful for me to apply. I was thinking of Dec-Jan-Feb & March