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I will come to N.Y. for Nov. Have no idea where I will stay for that month - will have to take a furnished room I guess. Hope I sell some work so I will be able to pay the rent etc.

Regarding above project will you be one of my references. They ask for 5 & want only 2 artists, the other 3 are to be people who know about the artist's work & character. You're one of the few in N.Y. who has seen some of my most recent work like War & Peace & in the past, you have handled my work. If you will once again be your gracious self I will be most grateful & appreciative. I guess I'll be struggling away for years.

It will probably also interest you that Dr. J. Vincent the new Director has asked Mrs. E. Ames Director at Yaddo on suggestions about running their place at the Pacific Palisades. And he is also to spend a little time at Yaddo, I believe this fall.

Please let me know if you will honor me by being one of my references.

Hope you're feeling better. I too am feeling rather poorly because of my cold & also this Friday I hit 31 that alone should make anyone feel ghastly sick. I'm getting so old.
