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Its on for one day Oct. 18th. I am showing just drawings, apx. 30 (which I must  mat - how I dread that task!). The originator of the plan is Fannie Mennen, who just received a $5,000 Ford Grant. They sell apple cider etc. proceeds go to the community & as many as 3,000! people attended it last year. & people who buy! Fannie has some important journalists lined up from I don't know how many periodicals to do a spread on the show. I've never exhibited in a clothes line show but surely it must be fun in this gorgeous woodsy landscape. All the artists must wear something Bright RED so that the public will know if you're a spectator or the creator. 

And I've been asked by Fannie for a detailed biographical sketch. She thought it would be fine publicity for me to exhibit as at the same time of my one man show at the Hunter Gallery. She is a real promoter. 

Can't think of anything more at present to write. Remember me to Mr. & Mrs. Germaine Seligmann. to Marthon to your charming French secretary who I hope is less lonely in N. Y. & eats more than "1 meal a day!" Take care of yourself. 

[[left margin]] Also to Mr. Sullivan + the new bookkeeper. Gosh is it raining! It's a thrilling sound on the windowpane & the farmers are undoubtedly rejoicing Hallelujah! because there has been quite a drought here. E - [[/left margin]]