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[[left margin]] Rolick[[/leftmargin]]

Huntington Hartford Foundation
2000 Rustic Canyon Road
Pacific Palisades, California

November 2, 1953

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker, Director
Jacques Seligmann Galleries
5 East 57 Street
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Parker:

Miss Esther Rolick has applied for a Fellowship at Huntington Hartford Foundation and has given your name as a reference. We would very much appreciate your testimony on the following:

(1) Fellowships are open to persons of exceptional talent and ability, with achievements in the creative arts. Please give your estimate of the applicant's talent, ability, and achievement as an artist. 

(2) At the Foundation, Fellows live in close association with one another, and, accordingly, disposition, temperament, and moral character are important. How well do you think the candidate might integrate with the other artists?

(3) The Foundation provides board, lodging, and some supplies in connection with the creative work. Fellows are responsible for laundry, postage, medical, and other personal expenses. In your opinion, is the applicant in a position to supply these needs if granted a Fellowship?

Any other information you can give which you judge pertinent will be appreciated, and all information will be treated as confidential. 

Sincerely yours, 

Proctor Stafford
Executive Assistant
to the Director
