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Office Sub Asst Commissioner.
Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbia. Texas.
Feb 12. 1867.

The amount of labor, lumber, shingles, and nails to be furnished by J.W. Park, as per contract, dated Feb. 10th, 1867, is as follows.

280 Feet of lumber for necessary repairs inside.
Two doors and seven (7) benches.
200 Shingles for repairing roof, and sufficient nails to complete the whole.
The work to be finished in ten days from the date of contract.

Very Respectfully,
Your Ob'd't Serv't.
Jas Hutchinson
1st Lieut. V.R.C. Sub Asst Comr
Bu. R.F. and, A.L.

Transcription Notes:
need help with signature, compared signature on previous letter. I agree with the signature as transcribed.