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and within ten days from the date of this Contract.

2nd Upon the completion of the repairs as set forth above the Sub Assistant Commissioner for and on behalf of the United States agrees to pay the said L H Hammond the sum of two Hundred and two dollars and fifty cents in funds furnished by the United States for disbursement

3d No member of Congress, Officer or agent of the Government or any person employed in the public service shall be admitted to any share herein or to any benefit which may arise herefrom.

In witness whereof the undersigned have hereunto placed their hands and seals the day and date first above written.

Geo Lancaster  SS
Capt. 17th, Infantry
Sub Asst Commr.

G H Hammond  {LS}

S S Casman
Jos E Greene.

Chas Griffin.
Bvt Major Genl: Asst Commissr