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Office Sub-Ass't Com'r,
Bureau R., F. and A.L.
Hempstead, Texas, Feb. 22, 1867.

The Amount of labor, lumber, nails et cet. to be furnished by L.H. Hammond, as per contract, dated Feb. 21, 1867 is as follows:

1600 feet Lumber - to finish the outside of the building, - and necessary repairs inside.

He is to make 20 seats with backs; - the seats to be 8 feet long. Six of the seats to be made with desks for writing purposes; - also to put in 4 Windows with shutters
Nails sufficient to complete the job. - The  whole to be finished within ten days from date of contract.

Very Respectfully
Your obed't serv't
(signed) Geo. Lancaster
Capt. 17th U.S. Inftry,
Sub-Assis't Com'r.