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State of Texas
Country of Brazos

The following agreement has been entered into, this, the 9th day of March 1867. between Captain Edwards Miller, Sub Asst. Comr Bu. R.F. and A.L. and Stephen Curtis Carpenter, both of this state and Country, witnesseth.

Stephen Curtis agrees and contracts, to make all repairs necessary, to finish a building 25 feet front, 40 feet deep and 12 feet high, to be used as a schoolhouse for the children of freedmen at Millican, Brazos Co. Texas, and to furnish it with the necessary benches, for the sum of Four hundred Dollars - $400 00/100 - U.S.C. 

And he further agrees, to finish the building, within twenty days after the approval of this contract

In witness whereof both parties have hereunto set their hands.

Edwd. Miller, Capt. and 
Sub Asst. Comr. Bu. R.F. & A.L.

Stephen his X mark Curtis

Andrew. J. Ross.
Lemuel. [[S?]] Morton

Chas Griffin
Bvt Major General
Asst. Commissioner