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Specification of Repairs to be made one the Schoolhouse for freedmen at Millican, Texas, as per Contract with Stephen Curtus, dated March 9. 1867.

1st Materials
2860 feet of lumber for flooring and boxing. --------------  200.20
1050 feet of Sills 21. 3" x 8." and 25 feet long. ---------   63.00
300 feet of plates 6. 3" x 8" and 25 feet long. -----------   18.00 
150 feet of joists 6. 2" x 6." and 25 feet long. ----------    9.00
300 feet of lumber for 20 benches with backs --------------   21.00 
630 feet of rafters 3" x 4" -------------------------------   37.80
[[sub-total]] ---------------------------------------------  349.00
[[?]] for repairing the Schoolhouse & Making 20 benches ---   51.00
Total ----------------------------------------------------- $400.00.