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Second: That the said A. Maye shall commence the work above named immediately and complete it by the 31st day of March, 1867. 
Third: That the said A. Maye shall receive for said work the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty ~~~~~
dollars ($260.00), payment to be made when the work is completed if the Department is in funds, and if not as soon thereafter as funds may be received.
Fourth: That if any objection shall be made to the work, a Board of Three United States Officers shall be concerned to decide whether the work has been done according to the conditions of this agreement the decision of the same to be final.

In witness whereof the said parties do hereinto set their hands and seals at San Antonio, Texas this 16th day of March A.D. 1867. [[stamp]][[/stamp]]

E.W. Whittemore Bvt Maj USA
Sub Asst Com BRF&AL Seal
A. Maye Seal

A.A. Loomis
D. Steinekin[[?]]

Charles Griffin
Brevet Major General,
Assistant Commissioner,
State of Texas


Transcription Notes:
Can't really read the second witness name